2023年05月28日 (日)
LUNA SEA、目黒鹿鳴館150人限定フリーライヴの開催を緊急発表!その模様をYouTube Liveにて、全世界同時無料ライヴ配信!
NEWS - 21:22:202023年5月27日(土)、28日(日)の2日間にわたり、武蔵野の森・総合スポーツプラザ・メインアリーナにて、初のベストライヴ「THE BEST OF LUNA SEA 2023」を開催したLUNA SEAが、バンド結成記念日である翌日5月29日(月)に、インディーズ時代以来約32年振りとなる目黒鹿鳴館でのフリーライヴ「LUNA SEA Back in 鹿鳴館」の開催を緊急発表した。
さらに、この模様はLUNA SEA公式YouTubeチャンネルにて無料生配信される。
緊急ライヴ「LUNA SEA Back in 鹿鳴館」を行う5月29日は、34年前の1989年にLUNA SEAが現メンバーで初めてステージに立った結成記念日であり、そしてインディーズ時代の主戦場であった目黒鹿鳴館は、彼らの伝説の始まりの場であった。
記念すべき日に、記念すべき場所での緊急ライヴ開催が意味するものとは? そこでさらに何が発信されるのか?
2023年、遂に動き出したLUNA SEAの動向に要注目だ!
LUNA SEA held their first best live concert “THE BEST OF LUNA SEA 2023” at Musashino Forest Sports Plaza Main Arena on May 27 (Sat.) and 28 (Sun.), 2023, and on May 29 (Mon.), the day after the band’s founding anniversary, they will perform at Meguro Kanade Kan for the first time in 32 years since their independent days. LUNA SEA announced an emergency plan to hold a free show “LUNA SEA Back in Rokumeikan” at Meguro Rokumeikan on May 29 (Mon.), the day after the band’s founding anniversary, for the first time in about 32 years since their indies days.
The event will be broadcast live for free on LUNA SEA’s official YouTube channel.
YouTube URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5RFTev4qTWs
During the two days in Musashino Woods, the band performed not only their best-known songs that have been loved by fans for many years, but also nostalgic numbers for the first time since their reunion. This was the first time in several years that the band had performed “live with their voices out,” and the audience’s enthusiastic cheering and singing made for an inspiring atmosphere.
After the encore of the second day’s performance of their signature song “WISH,” RYUICHI said, “Tomorrow, May 29, the five of us talked it over and decided to do one more show! The place is…Meguro Rokumeikan! We are not stopping yet! In order to evolve even further, we are going to go back to our roots and do a show at a live house! And tomorrow, we’re going to make a big announcement! The venue was filled with cheers mixed with madness and frenzy as the shocking announcement was made.
May 29, the day of the emergency live “LUNA SEA Back in Rokumeikan,” was the anniversary of LUNA SEA’s formation 34 years ago in 1989, when the current members took the stage for the first time, and Meguro Rokumeikan, their main battleground during their indies days, was where their legend began.
What does it mean to hold an emergency live show on a memorable day at a memorable place? What more will be transmitted there?
We hope that many people will be able to witness the moment through the free, simultaneous worldwide streaming on YouTube.
Tickets for this performance will be available exclusively to members of the official fan club “SLAVE” from 20:00 today (no charge for tickets).
Keep an eye out for LUNA SEA, which has finally started to move in 2023!
LUNA SEA Back in 鹿鳴館
【YouTube Live 全世界生配信】
5月29日(月) 20:00より生配信スタート
SLAVE会員限定/1人1枚まで (150人限定)
受付期間:2023年5月28日(日) 20:00〜5月28日(日) 23:59 ※抽選
当選発表:2023年5月29日(月) 08:00 (予定)
詳細はLUNA SEAオフィシャルサイトまで