2023年06月24日 (土)
【NIGHTMARE × MUCC】ツアー開催を記念した特別番組を生配信決定
NEWS - 22:00:22NIGHTMAREとMUCCが東名阪3会場を廻るツーマンライヴツアー『悪夢69』の開催を記念した生配信番組『「悪夢69」開催記念特番』が6月28日(水)に配信されることが発表された。
今回の番組はNIGHTMARE Gt.の柩がMUCC Vo.逹瑯がパーソナリティを務めるラジオ「JACK IN THE RADIO」にゲスト出演した際に柩による「2組で作戦会議番組やりたいね」という一言がきっかけ。
NIGHTMARE and MUCC will hold a two man live tour “Nightmare 69” at three venues in Tokyo, Nagoya, and Osaka, and a special live broadcast program “Nightmare 69″ Commemorative Program” will be held on Wednesday, June 28.
Nightmare 69″ is a tour by NIGHTMARE and MUCC that will take them to Tokyo, Nagoya, and Osaka, and this will be the first time that the two bands will perform together.
This show started when NIGHTMARE Gt. Hitsugi made a guest appearance on “JACK IN THE RADIO,” a radio show hosted by MUCC’s vocalist, Tatsuro, and Hitsugi said, “I want to do a strategy meeting show with the two bands.”
Shuichi Yamauchi, who is also known as a V-kei enthusiast, will be the MC and will talk about the relationship between the two bands, the reason for the two man show, and the “strategy meeting” for the “Nightmare 69” tour in Tokyo, Nagoya, and Osaka.
Nightmare 69″ has finally come into full view.
Let’s prepare for the tour while enjoying the strategy meeting between the two members.
■NIGHTMARE ×MUCC「悪夢69」開催記念特番
配信プラットフォーム YouTube MAVERICK DC GROUPチャンネルにて配信
NIGHTMARE x MUCC “Nightmare 69” Commemorative Special Program
Wednesday, June 28, 19:00-
Distribution platform: YouTube MAVERICK DC GROUP channel
8月17日(木) Zepp Nagoya
8月18日(金) Zepp Osaka Bayside
8月24日(木) Zepp Haneda(TOKYO)
開場17:30 開演18:30
【チケット料金】 通常チケット 前売 10,000円 (税込) ※入場時ドリンク代別途必要
<イープラス> https://eplus.jp/nightmare-mucc/
<ローソンチケット> https://l-tike.com/nightmare-mucc/
<チケットぴあ> https://w.pia.jp/t/akumu69/
<Official HP> https://www.nightmare-web.com/
<Official Twitter> https://twitter.com/nightmare_staff
<Official YouTube Channel> https://www.youtube.com/c/NIGHTMAREOFFICIALCHANNEL
<結成25周年特設サイト> https://mucc25th.55-69.com/
<Official HP> http://www.55-69.com/
<Official Twitter> https://twitter.com/muccofficial
<Official Instagram> https://www.instagram.com/mucc_official/
<Official Facebook> https://www.facebook.com/facemucc
<Official YouTube Channel> http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCExoaicqsoRZbKdFehPmmEQ?sub_confirmation=1
<Official Weibo> https://www.weibo.com/muccofficial