2023年12月10日 (日)
Alice Nine.ヴォーカリスト・ShouのNEW PROJECT ”Verde/”始動。1st Debut Single「The Wanderer/」Music Video公開
NEWS - 21:00:22
現在無期限活動凍結中のAlice Nine.(アリス九號.)ヴォーカリストShouのNEW PROJECT “Verde/”の始動が発表された。
同時に1st Debut Single「The Wanderer/」のMusic Videoも公開。
Alice Nine. Vocalist Shou’s NEW PROJECT “Verde/” has been announced.
At the same time, the music video of the 1st Debut Single “The Wanderer/” is also released.
It is a work filled with Shou’s world view unique to his solo project, which is different from that of his band.
▼Verde/「The Wanderer/」Music Video
また、Verde/ 1st Showcase Live「0 Evergreen」の開催も決定。
2024年3月16日(土)Supernova Kawasakiにて行われる同公演には、サポートメンバーとして、摩天楼オペラからGt. 優介、Ba. 燿、Takamiy(高見沢俊彦)や宮野真守のバックを支えるDr.KEN’ICHIの出演も決まっている。
同日には長年自身や外部アーティストのアートワークを手がけてきたShouの手がけるART GALLERY「A Mindscape/」も同会場にて開催する。
Verde/ 1st Showcase Live “0 Evergreen” will also be held.
The show will be held at Supernova Kawasaki on March 16, 2024 (Sat), and will feature Yusuke (Gt.) and Yo (Ba.) from Matenro Opera as supporting members, as well as Dr. Ken’ichi, who will provide backing for Takamiy (Toshihiko Takamizawa) and Mamoru Miyano.
More guest musicians are scheduled to be added in the future, so be sure to check back for more information.
On the same day, “A Mindscape/”, an art gallery by Shou, who has created artwork for himself and other artists for many years, will be held at the same venue.
★Verde/ 1st Debut Single「The Wanderer/」
Distribution will begin on December 28, 2023 through various distribution services.
■Verde/ 1st Showcase Live「0 Evergreen」
2024/3/16(土)Supernova Kawasaki
Tickets: [Standing] ¥6,600 (tax included / drink fee not included)
General on-sale date: February 24 (Sat.) 10:00 AM
Ticket FC advance tickets are available from today!
▼Verde/ オフィシャル X(ex.Twitter)
▼Shou オフィシャル X(ex.Twitter)
▼Verde/ オフィシャルInstagram
▼Verde/ オフィシャルYouTube Channel