2023年11月24日 (金)
NEWS - 17:00:50
12012が、12月12日(火) 恵比寿LIQUIDROOMで行う、復活&結成20周年 “一夜の刹那、白夜の光”公演の模様が<全世界に向け>生配信されることが決定した。
声出し解禁や自身達の表現するLIVEが開催出来る時期を待ち続け、結成20周年を迎えるこのタイミングでついに復活ライブ12月12日(火) 恵比寿LIQUIDROOM ”一夜の刹那、白夜の光”が開催される。
そのため希少価値の高い公演ということからか用意された、SUPER VIP、VIPチケットはすでに完売、現在は通常チケットのみが購入可能となっている。
また、2023年6月より半年間をかけてX space(旧Twitter)にて放送してきた宮脇渉(Vo)と縁のあるゲストを迎えた20周年スペシャル対談も、11/26(日) Plastic Tree有村竜太朗氏、12/1(金) MUCC 逹瑯氏をゲストに最終回を迎える。
It has been decided that 12012’s December 12 (Tue.) performance at Ebisu LIQUIDROOM, celebrating their 20th anniversary, will be streamed live to the entire world.
12012 announced a hiatus in 2014.
In June 2020, it was announced that the band would return with a six-member lineup including Wataru Miyawaki (Vo), Hiroaki Sakai (Gt), Shinichiro Saito (Gt), Tomoyuki Enya (Ba), Toru Kawauchi (Dr), and Yusuke Suga (Gt) who had left the band, but due to the spread of a new type of coronavirus, the group was forced to suspend its activities until the end of the concert.
The band has been waiting for a time when they could release their voice and hold a live performance of their own expression, and at this time, the 20th anniversary of their formation, they finally will hold a revival live performance.
December 12 (Tue) Ebisu LIQUIDROOM “A moment of a night, the light of a midnight sun”will be held.
Coincidentally, this year marks the 20th anniversary of the group. However, although this will be their first performance in about 9 years, there has been no mention of what they will do after that.
Therefore, the SUPER VIP and VIP tickets have already been sold out, and now only regular tickets are available for purchase.
The live streaming of the show, which has been requested by many people, will also be held.
The moment of revival of 12012, loved by many overseas fans, will be distributed not only to Japan but also to the world.
Also, the 20th anniversary special dialogue between Wataru Miyawaki (Vo) and guests who have a connection to the band, which has been broadcast on X space (formerly Twitter) for six months since June 2023, will be the final episode with guests Ryutaro Arimura of Plastic Tree on Sunday, November 26, and Tatsuro of MUCC on Friday, December 1.
The talk with a familiar temperature is popular, so be sure to check it out as well!
Please come and witness this special and memorable night on December 12.
12012 20th Anniversary
開場 18:30/開演 19:00
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・VIP TICKET ¥12,012(税込・D代別)*SOLD OUT
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[チケット料金] 配信:¥4,000
[発売日] 11月24日(金) 17:00~
[視聴期間] 12/12(火) 19:00~12/17(金) 19:00まで
※クレジットカード、キャリア決済、LINE Pay、Apple、Google Payでご購入が可能
12012 20th Anniversary
A moment in the night, the light of the midnight sun”.
Tuesday, December 12, 2023 at Ebisu Liquid Room
Doors open 18:30 / Concert begins 19:00
Ticket Details|Visit
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■Tickets on sale now!
SUPER VIP TICKET ¥120,120 (tax included, D fee not included) *SOLD OUT
VIP TICKET ¥12,012 (tax included) *SOLD OUT
Standing ¥6,000 (tax included) *SOLD OUT
SVP purchasers will receive a bonus DVD (to be sent at a later date).
SVP purchasers will also receive a video with different angles including off-shoots. (URL information)
Ticket Details|Distribution
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[Ticket Price] Delivery: ¥4,000
[On Sale] November 24 (Fri.) 17:00~
[Viewing period] 12/12 (Tue) 19:00 – 12/17 (Fri) 19:00
Archived streaming will also be available.
[Ticket sales URL]
Credit card, carrier payment, LINE Pay, Apple, and Google Pay are available for purchase.
◉12012 INFO
12012 https://lit.link/12012tokyo
宮脇渉(Vo) https://twitter.com/wataru_12012
酒井洋明(Gt) https://twitter.com/hsakai12012
齋藤紳一郎(Gt) https://twitter.com/s_mokichi
塩谷朋之(Ba) https://twitter.com/tEnya_soliloquy
川内亨(Dr) https://twitter.com/12012_toru
須賀勇介(Gt) https://twitter.com/yusuke_suga